
Free Download UNKILLED Apk New Update Terbaru 2016 - Hallo sobat dimanapun anda berada, pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan membagikan sebuah informasi mengenai Game Android yang bernama UNKILLED. Game Aksi dimana kita akan melawan para zombie yang berkeliaran dan mengancam nyawa para penduduk. UNKILLED Apk merupakan salah satu game yang ditunggu - tunggu, Game ini baru dirilis di Android yang sebelumnya hanya tersedia di IOS/iphone. Ini Adalah game petualangan yang membasmi zombie di New York. Pekerjaan Anda adalah untuk membersihkan daerah New York agar virus tidak menyebar ke seluruh dunia.
Descriptions : The latest UNKILLED APK is available with the new features on version 0.5.1. A Madinger game is famously known to be the first person shooting game, Dead Trigger. Now, the popular game producer has released the new version of this game relating to Zombie scene theme. If you guess it Dead Trigger 3, it is unfortunately wrong. It is not that game. The latest game version of Madfinger Games called UNKILLED for Android. Like a title tells about Zombie outbreak happened in a certain city. The official trailer game shows hunger zombies lying down on the ground of dead city. It seems to be New York for that city. The zombies are roaming to find preys. They also get down the hall, mall, street and all sides of the city. A certain huge figure in this trailer is having a bigger body than the other zombies. It also has quick movements.
It is likely reminding you to TAG ‘EM AND BAG ‘EM! SMOOTH 1ST-PERSON-SHOOTER ACTION! RIDICULOUSLY, ABSURDLY AWESOME GRAPHICS!the figure of Nemesis from the game of Resident Evil though it is not as scary as that figure. It makes you wonder why this game is created to be the different tittles. Does this game switch the attention from the new gamers from Dead Trigger that has been complex? It is possibly true. This game is actually able to download for android and enjoy getting played it all the time. The story plot of this game makes android users feel enjoyable in which it is more interesting and mission tracking based the upgraded weapon and maps.
This game actually does not implement the newest concept for android games. In fact, there are the other same games taking zombie ideas for the games. Though it is not original, UNKILLED for Android is actually being one of the recommended games for android to install and play. You can enjoy fighting for zombies in the game in which it is very fun and pleasant game to have on your android. If you get interested in playing this game, it absolutely downloads it beforehand. Open Google Play and then type the name of the game. After that, click on the download and install it on your android. Do not worry about the installation of this game because it is free without the payment. Make sure that android capacity able to save the capacity of the game and operate it smoothly.
Features :

Informations :
  • VERSION : 0.5.1
  • REQUIREMENT : 4.1 and up
  • PRICE : Free

What's New :
  • New multiplayer PvP mode. Fight other players in the Rooftops Arena. Special PvP missions. Tournament and campaign mode available.
  • Customize your character with new skill trees! Collect Intel from kills for points.
  • New reward crates with valuable items.
  • 12 new weapons, inc. Mossberg 590.
  • 8 new gadgets.
  • Improved campaign missions with customizable 3-star objectives.
  • New aim and sprint systems.
  • Variable Skirmish mission difficulty
  • New leaderboards for PvP and prestige.

Screenshot :



Demikian penjelasan singkat mengenai Game Android UNKILLED semoga apa yang kami bagikan bermanfaat bagi anda, terima kasih. tetap tunggu update selanjutnya.
Link : Mediafire

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